9/15+ New Announcements

  • September 27-28, 2023: Medicare National Training Program Medicare Open Enrollment Period 2023 Bootcamp. Details will be published in mid-September. For recordings of past events and current catalog of resources, see https://cmsnationaltrainingprogram.cms.gov/full-catalog.

New Medicare Plan for Part D Installment Payments

CMS has proposed a new plan whereby Part D participants can opt to pay their annual drug payments in monthly installments. CMS has published a draft of the proposal, and solicited Comments by September 20, 2023. Find more information at:

8/25+ August and September Events

8/14+ Extreme Heat/Fire Preparedness Advisory

The National Weather Service has announced that expected temperatures for this week have increased significantly, with areas of Major (Red) Heat Risk and daytime temperatures up to 110, now expected from Tuesday through Thursday night, 15-17 August 2023, in Western Oregon, Northeastern Oregon, Eastern Washington, and Northern Idaho. This is expected to be a multi-day heat event, with very warm overnight temperatures contributing to the higher Heat Risk levels.

Fire weather conditions are elevated, with Red Flag warnings for much of Western Washington, Western Oregon, and the Oregon Cascade Mountains, till Monday night 14 August, as a result of unstable air that can spread fire rapidly.

Find the specific weather and fire danger forecast for your zip code or city at https://www.weather.gov/, and find information and resources you can share with your patients to help keep them cool during this time at https://www.kcercoalition.com/en/resources/hazards-resources/extreme-heat/.

If you have any questions or additional concerns about this weather event, please feel free to reach out to the Network at 206-923-0714 for more information.

8/8+ More August and Beyond Events