1/22 NKF/ASN on eGFR and Race

The NKF/ASN Task Force on Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney Diseases has been collecting information and testimony about health care disparities for Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/ Alaska Native, Asian American, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander people, and about kidney function measurement, patient safety/standardization, new or innovative approaches to kidney function measurement, and measurement or reporting that does not include race. They will hold a January 22, 2021 public forum for patients, family members, and other public stakeholders. Register at https://kidney.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vVdJli2uRJKIgi4zlc8hfw. Find more information at https://www.kidney.org/content/nkf-asn-task-force-reassessing-inclusion-race-diagnosing-kidney-diseases.