5/13+ AAKP/GWU Global Summit

AAKP and the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences will present a 13-14 May 2021 3rd Annual Global Summit: Global Kidney Innovations – Expanding Patient Choices & Outcomes. The conference will be virtual and free. Find more information below and at https://aakp.org/programs-and-events/global-summit/, and register at that website.

7/16+ AAKP/GWU Virtual Summit on Innovation

AAKP and George Washington University will present their Second Annual Global Summit: Global Kidney Innovations – Expanding Patient Choices & Outcomes, online, on July 16-17, 2020.  The full schedule (8-12 sessions per day plus evening webinars) will emphasize COVID-19 and Innovation, but many other topics as well.  Find more information, including the detailed agenda, and register at https://aakp.org/programs-and-events/2nd-annual-global-summit-global-kidney-innovations-expanding-patient-choices-outcomes/.

7/9 AAKP Webinar on Clinical Trials

AAKP will present a 1½-hour July 9, 2020 webinar on Clinical Trials: Expanding Opportunities for All Kidney Patients in the Midst of COVID-19 and Beyond.  The webinar aims to ensure that all kidney patients are invited and encouraged to participate in clinical trials that are relevant to their situation.  For more information and to register, see https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7296799374118412557.